In most cases in Florida, an alcohol or liquor business
cannot be sued or held liable. In § 768.125,
Florida law provides: “
A person who sells or furnishes alcoholic beverages to a person of lawful drinking age shall NOT thereby become liable for injury or damage caused by or resulting from the intoxication of such person.” The law does, however, provide a very limited scope within which a claimant can prosecute claims for damages against an establishment that serves alcohol to a customer whose subsequent intoxication brings harm, injury or death. The two exceptions are set forth in Florida Statute section 768.125:
Liability for injury or damage resulting from intoxication.—A person who sells or furnishes alcoholic beverages to a person of lawful drinking age shall not thereby become liable for injury or damage caused by or resulting from the intoxication of such person,
except that a person who willfully and unlawfully sells or furnishes alcoholic beverages to a person who is not of lawful drinking age or who knowingly serves a person habitually addicted to the use of any or all alcoholic beverages may become liable for injury or damage caused by or resulting from the intoxication of such minor or person.