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MANEY | GORDON Trials Lawyers Takes Home Two Tellys

trophy“We don’t do things like other law firms and that includes our ads,” says managing partner Jeffrey, “Jack” Gordon. “We also believe people see enough of the same kinds of commercials.”

The message seemed to resonate and Streetlight Productions took home a Silver and Bronze Telly for the 2024 Telly Awards with their “Do Not Be Sold” 60 second commercial for MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers.

Do Not Be Sold

In the late of an afternoon, the crew gathers at Oxford Exchange for the start “Do Not Be Sold” commercial campaign. “I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with advertising,” confesses Taylor Girard. “I love the ability to move people, but more times than not, people are moved towards things they don’t need. Jack lets us take the approach of calling out those commercials using gimmicks, cheesy re-enactments, or even rhyming jingles about which lawyer to call. As MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers feels an obligation to be honest, just and upfront with their clients, we mirror that in the commercials. And people seem to respond.”

Lights and stands filter in with gloves crew members and belts with tools and tapes. Pelican case after pelican case with various pieces of a camera package are hauled in and minute by minute, the set takes shapes. Furniture is moved, but careful marked to ensure business as usual starts again the next morning. Everyone is excited in the beginning of an overnight shoot, but by 2 or 3am, it starts to get real. Since there’s not as much work for the crew while shooting takes place, there are lulls that can get a little too comfortable. But there are no times for a nap because once that set up is shot out, you’re hustling to make time as lights, stands, props, camera wardrobe and more are rearranged.

With the sun rising the next morning, it’s a wrap and everyone heads home to sleep when the day is starting for everyone else. “Trials bear a remarkable resemblance to the hustle and bustle of a commercial set,” mentions Jack Gordon. “You have a job to do and everyone is full throttle until that job gets done. There are no excuses. And I’ve always loved that kind of environment.”

The “Do Not Be Sold” campaign revolves around the fact we are constantly bombarded with advertisements being pitched anything and everything, most of which are products and services we don’t need or even want. There’s a science, however, to how these advertisements are created and positioned so that the consumer will, after a certain amount of exposure, begin to believe they either need a product or want to try a service. Repetition, fear, envy, nostalgia, love, trust, and family are just some of the many weapons agencies use to capture more dollars from people’s pockets. This campaign is a reminder for people to hold strong to their beliefs, values and hard-earned money so they can remember they are in control. And to take it further, they even have control over not only how companies advertise, but also whether or not a company even survives. Most businesses will bend to the will of the public if it means profits are in jeopardy. It is easier said than done, but look at how the model industry has changed department stores like Target. Look how commercials and shows have changed for minorities to be more inclusive.

With attention being one of the largest commodities, let’s remember we get to decide where we put our attention. We can choose to buy a product and support a company or not. We can choose to spend less time on the phone and thus be exposed to less ads. We can even choose a law firm based on their skills and expertise rather than a commercial, award or billboard gushing over winning millions for a recent car accident client.


What Makes Jack’s MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers Stand Out

Mr. Gordon has carved out a niche of personal injury cases specifically in the Medical Malpractice area of expertise. He’s a Board Certified Medical Malpractice Lawyer by the American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys, is still voted by his peers as the #1 Medical Malpractice Attorney in Tampa Magazine’s Top Lawyers® since 2016, recognized by Best Lawyers since 2018 in Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs, and more. “I love the science,” he says. “And while Medical Negligence cases are some of the most difficult cases that exist, it means we’re going up against the best of the best. I enjoy that challenge along with filming of a commercial on a boat in the open water or an overnight shoot in Oxford Exchange.”

Most of the cases MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers receives are from referrals. Someone will have a case and call a firm based on a commercial or an advertisement they saw and not realize that firm may not be focused on the long haul of a case. Some firms focus more on gathering cases and then referring them to the law firms they know will have the best chance of winning that case in that area of specialty. It’s simply a different business model. And when a law firm like MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers has built the kind of reputation of going after the most challenging, most complex, most intricate cases with positive results, the word spreads.

So next time you’re out, in, or simply around, take notice of what businesses and people are telling you is needed in order for you to feel happy, accepted, or even successful. Remind yourself that products and services aren’t needed to achieve the very thing they are selling you. When they do an excellent job, it can be difficult to discern the difference between their ice cream filled with sugar and the love of family, but the two couldn’t be further from each other.

So take the love. Leave the ice cream.

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maney | gordon trial lawyers is a national law firm headquartered in tampa, florida, with offices throught the united states.
Downtown Tampa Office: 101 E. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1700, Tampa, FL 33602
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