IT IS THE MISSION OF MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers to generate revenue and increase profits through the practice of law by adhering to the following principles and beliefs:
That we must commit to excellence on a daily basis;
That we must recognize the importance and effect of love and compassion within our lives and our practice;
That loyalty of and to our firm, our staff, and our clients shall be valued, rewarded and reciprocated;
That promoting genuine and committed relationships among staff and clients is paramount;
That we are indebted to our staff and maintain a commitment to enhancing the quality of the lives of our employees on both professional and personal levels;
That we are committed to developing the skills of attorneys and assisting associate attorneys to achieve expert levels of practice;
That we value growth and expansion of the firm;
That we shall endeavor to fulfill our commitments with enthusiasm and fun;
That the struggle for improvement is worthwhile;
That maintaining fidelity to professional ethics and integrity as officers of the court is essential.
That true advocacy on behalf of our clients can require transcending convention;
That true advocacy on behalf of our clients can require the courage to serve through difficulty and even defeat;
That true advocacy on behalf of our clients is reward unto itself.