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Wrongful Death Lawyer in Florida: Your Guide to Justice and Compensation

Wrongful Death Lawyer

The aftermath of losing a loved one is a devastating experience, filled with grief, confusion, and numerous questions. When that loss is the result of someone’s negligence or wrongful act, the situation becomes all the more unbearable. This is where we come in. At MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers, we take the burden off your shoulders.

What Does a Wrongful Death Lawyer Do?

So, you might be wondering, what does an attorney for wrongful death do? As experienced wrongful death lawyers, we perform an array of roles, all aimed at obtaining justice for you and your family.

  • Initial Consultation: Our first step is a comprehensive evaluation of your case to understand the specifics.
  • Investigation: We dig deep into all relevant evidence, from accident reports to eyewitness testimonials.
  • Filing The Lawsuit: We initiate the wrongful death lawsuit, ensuring all legal protocols are adhered to.
  • Negotiation & Settlement: In many cases, a wrongful death settlement is achieved without going to trial. Our negotiation skills are aimed at getting you the compensation you deserve.
  • Trial: If negotiation fails, we are prepared to go to court to fight for your justice.

Key Aspects of a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Florida

A wrongful death lawsuit can be brought against a variety of parties – from individuals and small businesses to large corporations. The important elements to establish in a wrongful death lawsuit in Florida include:

  1. Duty of Care: Was there a legal obligation for the accused to ensure the safety of the deceased?
  2. Breach of Duty: Did the accused fail to fulfill that duty?
  3. Causation: Was this breach directly responsible for the loss?
  4. Damages: What losses have you and your family incurred as a result?

How a Wrongful Death Settlement is Determined

The amount received in a wrongful death settlement varies from case to case. It takes into account medical bills, loss of income, emotional suffering, funeral expenses, loss of companionship, and more.

We fight tirelessly to make sure you receive a settlement that truly reflects your loss and suffering.

Why Choose MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers in Florida?

With years of experience in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, and all regions throughout Florida, we pride ourselves on the personal touch we offer every client. As one of the leading wrongful death law firms in the state of Florida, our firm believes in experience and expertise, transparency, and a “no win, no fee” approach, bringing decades of combined experience to your case, always providing open, honest communication at all stages, and operating on a contingency basis.

Locations We Serve

MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers serves clients in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, and all regions throughout Florida, so if you are looking for attorneys for a wrongful death claim, look no further than our award-winning firm.

Take The Next Step With MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers

Don’t allow the wrongful death of a loved one to go unanswered. Seek the justice and compensation your family deserves. Contact MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers today for a consultation with a lawyer for wrongful death, and let us bear the burden of your legal struggles so that you can focus on healing.

