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The Shocking Reality of Surgical Errors: How MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers Can Help You Today

When you or a loved one needs surgery, the last thing you should be worrying about is the risk of a surgical error. Surgery, regardless of its complexity, should be a well-calculated and meticulously executed procedure. Unfortunately, surgical errors do happen, even in modern operating rooms. That’s why MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers is here in Tampa to provide legal assistance for victims of surgical errors. We’re more than just attorneys; we’re advocates for your right to safe and competent medical care.

What Are Surgical Errors?

Surgical errors in the operating room range from leaving a foreign object inside the patient to performing surgery on the wrong body part or even on the wrong person. These blunders can have severe, sometimes irreversible, consequences. When you’re dealing with the aftermath of a surgical mistake, you’re not just facing physical repercussions; the emotional toll can be immense.

Are All Surgical Errors Grounds for Medical Malpractice?

A surgical error can easily escalate into a full-blown case of medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is any act or omission by a healthcare provider that deviates from the accepted standards of practice in the medical community, leading to patient harm. When surgical errors occur, they often result from a lack of skill, poor planning, or neglect, making them prime grounds for medical malpractice claims. That being said, not all surgical errors are grounds for a medical malpractice case. Schedule an appointment with our attorneys today to learn if your case has merit.

How MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers Steps In

When you approach MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers, we immediately initiate a comprehensive investigation. We delve into the specifics of what went wrong during the surgery and work tirelessly to build a strong case for you. Our experience as surgical errors attorneys helps us understand the intricacies of these cases, ensuring that your voice is heard and justice is served.

What Sets Us Apart in Tampa and Surrounding Regions

Tampa residents choose MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers for several compelling reasons:

  • Expertise: Our attorneys are experienced in handling surgical errors medical malpractice cases, ensuring that your case is in capable hands. In fact, our attorneys are often recognized throughout the state and nationally for their expertise. Take a look at Jack Gordon’s recent 2023 Induction into Florida Trend’s Legal Elite Hall of Fame as just one example of our legal experience and expertise.
  • Local Presence: With our offices in Tampa and throughout Florida, we’re easily accessible to clients throughout the region.
  • Client-Centered Approach: We place our clients at the heart of everything we do, from initial consultation to the final judgment.

What to Do If You’re a Victim of a Surgical Error in Tampa

  1. Collect All Medical Records: These serve as concrete evidence.
  2. Consult MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers: A consultation with us is your first step toward claiming your rights.
  3. Pursue Legal Action: Don’t be a silent victim. Take action to prevent others from experiencing similar situations.

Take Your First Steps Towards Justice

If you or someone you love has been a victim of a surgical error, it’s time to step forward. Let MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers in Tampa guide you through the legal process. We’re not just any surgical errors law firm; we’re YOUR advocate in the pursuit of justice. Contact us today to book a consultation and let us help you secure the compensation you rightfully deserve.
